Category: AAM News
Goodbye from Rose, and hello to Chris - introducing our new CEO
Back in Autumn, we shared the news of an important change at Accessible Arts & Media: that after more than 30 years, our inspirational co-founder Rose Kent would be stepping...
More about Goodbye from Rose, and hello to Chris - introducing our new CEO
Consultation on inclusive music activities for disabled children and young people in York - have your say!
We currently run Senior IMPs on a Monday evening during term time. We also run inclusive musicals holiday clubs once a week in the school holidays.
We're recruiting a new Chief Executive Officer
We’re launching recruitment for a new Chief Executive Officer to lead the next chapter in AAM's story.
Consultation on activities for adults with learning disabilities in York - have your say!
To help us plan what new activities we might do, we're running a consultation.
More about Consultation on activities for adults with learning disabilities in York - have your say!