IMPs Holiday Club - Samba! Tuesday 13th August

Come and join Chris from Bamboo Tamboo to discover the music of Brazil - Samba!
You’ll explore the different instruments that create a samba band. There’ll be rhythm games and then onto the drums, shakers and bells! There’s an instrument to suit everyone, from big floor standing drums to little handheld shakers and drums.
We’ll also be offering 1 - to - 1 multisensory and interactive iMUSE sessions alongside the IMPS Holiday Club. Let us know when booking if you’d like an iMUSE session.
When: Tuesday 13th August, 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Who's it for? age 8+ (If you fall outside of this age bracket but would still like to come, please contact us for a chat)
Where: New Earswick Folk Hall, Hawthorne Terrace, YO32
Cost: £12 - Payable on the day by cash or card
Subsidised places and sibling discounts are available - please contact us for details.
All our IMPs holiday clubs are fully inclusive. And you don’t need to be a member of IMPs or have any experience in music to take part.
Please note that we do not provide 1-1 support. If you need this, please bring your own support or contact us to discuss.
Please contact us to book your place.
How to book:
• Via our Booking Form
• By calling us on 01904 626965
• By emailing