Sponsor a place and keep Hands & Voices singing!

If you've ever spent any time with our Hands & Voices choir, you'll know there are three things that stand out:

  • Feeling proud - the choir members are really proud of their singing and signing skills (rightly so!). And they're very proud that they get to share them through performances and workshops.
  • Friendships - Hands & Voices is so much more than just a choir. Lifelong friendships are made and weekly rehearsals provide a vital opportunity for members to have a catch up with their mates.
  • Fun - there's always a lot of laughter in the air whenever Hands & Voices get together. If we could bottle up their magic and share it around, we think the world would be a better place!

Feeling proud of your contribution, feeling connected to friends and having fun can all have a really positive impact on wellbeing. At a time when cuts to services are leaving disabled adults more and more at risk of becoming isolated, invisible and lonely, Hands & Voices provides a vital social lifeline for learning disabled adults in York.

Having recently celebrated the choir's 20th anniversary, we want to make sure that Hands & Voices can keep on singing, signing, learning and laughing together for many years to come.

We're launching a Sponsor a Place Scheme where supporters can sign up to make monthly donations. These donations give us the stability of regular income, meaning we can make long-term plans with the choir and its members. And we've got some exciting plans that we'd love to put into action!

If you'd like to support the future of Hands & Voices with a regular monthly donation, you can sign up here.