Our policies
Our policies and procedures help us run our organisation and our activities and services to the highest standard. They help us to safeguard the people who take part in our activities. They also help us to meet our aims and apply our values to everything we do.
You can find the latest versions of some of our key policies in this section of the site.
Find out more about our Inclusion, Diversity, Equality & Accessibility Policy
At Accessible Arts & Media we're committed to making sure inclusion, diversity, equality and accessibility are central to all our activities. They also underpin our governance and the way in which we treat participants, staff, artists and volunteers.
This policy outlines how we do this.
Download a copy of our Inclusion, Diversity, Equality & Accessibility (IDEA) Policy.
Find out more about our Safeguarding Policy
At Accessible Arts & Media we recognise our responsibility to protect and safeguard the children, young people and vulnerable adults who attend our workshops, courses, rehearsals and performances.
Our Safeguarding Policy outlines our commitment to protecting and safeguarding the welfare of the people who take part in our projects. Our Safeguarding User Guide outlines our safeguarding procedures.
Find out more about our Complaints Policy
At Accessible Arts & Media we aim to provide the best possible service.
We positively welcome suggestions on how we can improve our services and our fundraising activities.
Should a problem arise, the person delivering the session or activity will normally be able to resolve it. However, we recognise that, on occasion, people might feel that the quality or level of the service we've provided isn't as good as they'd reasonably expect. We want to know about these occasions.
This policy has been drawn up to:
- provide a fair complaints procedure that's easy to use;
- publicise the existence of our complaints procedure so that people know how to contact us if they want to make a complaint;
- make sure that everyone at AAM knows what to do if a complaint is received;
- make sure all complaints are investigated fairly and in a timely way; and
- make sure all complaints are resolved wherever possible.
Find out more about our Privacy Policy
We’re committed to protecting your personal information and being clear and transparent about the information we hold about you.
Our Privacy Policy explains:
- What information we collect about you
- How we might use that information
- In what situations we may disclose your details to third parties
- How we use cookies to improve your browsing experience on our website
- Information about how we keep your personal information secure and up to date, and your rights to be able to access it
If you have any queries about any of our policies, or would like copies of them in a different format, please contact the Accessible Arts & Media office on 01904 626965 or at info@aamedia.org.uk