York 10K Fundraising Heroes - Adi

Why did you decide to raise funds for Accessible Arts & Media?

I decided to run for Accessible Arts & Media because I loved raising money for the charity last year in 2017. I was offered to run for the charity again this year and there was only one answer!

If you had to sum up Accessible Arts & Media in three words, what words would you choose?

Vital, fun, creative.

How would you describe the difference Accessible Arts & Media makes?

The difference the charity makes to the young adults and children cannot really be out into words to describe the wonderful difference. The charity inspires the community to get behind the values they stand for. For example, the creative projects show how useful the charity are in york.

How's your training going?

My training has slowly been building up to the shorter 10k distance. Over the next few months I will be doing more speed work and intervals to stand me in good stead for the 10KM.

Do you have any top training tips for others looking to run a 10K?

If you’re looking to run 10Km the first step is self belief. It really does go along way! You then have to build up gradually and try and run 3 times during the week. This will get your body used to the demands of running 10Km.

We love music here at AAM - what's the track guaranteed to get you going when you're out training?

My current training track is Halestorm - I am the fire.

You can support Adi by sponsoring him on his JustGiving page.